• Under Human Rights Protection Act, 1993, Autonomous Bodies have been given special protection & consideration. (For further details refer, AIR 1993 SC – 2178)
• According to Govt. of India National Education Policy, 1986, Indian Institution of Business Management & Technology is one of the best Society/Institute for spreading education in India.
• Facility for admission exists and opens to Hindi Institutions in Self Reorganization Act. (For further details letter 09.02.1987 D-1 (Bhasa) dt. 5th May 1988 may be referred to issue by the Education Department, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
• According to J.P. Unnikrishnan vs. Andhra Pradesh AIR 1993, Supreme Court 2178, Voluntary Institutions/ Society have right to spread education & issue certificates for Degree/Diploma.
• The AMIE, Sec. A & Sec. B is equivalent to B.Tech. (Bachelor degree in Engineering) and AMIETE Part – I & II is equivalent to D.Tech. (Diploma Engineering) and B.Tech. Respectively. IEC & IME Part – I & II is also equivalent to Diploma & B.Tech. Course vides Govt. Notification.
So, Indian Institution of Business Management & Technology is a mile stone of Globalization of Education in India. The Society/Institute has lit a candle of the light and a million candles will lit ablaze the entire education firmament the whole world in the light of truth and awareness.